My second meeting with the DPC went well. I just went with the idea that they are on my side and that they have to ask all these questions, not to reject me, but to write a good report so that I can adopt Nicolae and Cristian. It was good to have this frame of mind.
Liana, one of the social workers, was the first to show up. Sylvia was running late due to another meeting she had. One of the first things Liana shared was that she wants our fourth meeting to be with Nicolae and Cristian at my apt. Happy me. I am a bit nervous of course, but very excited too.
Elena the translator and Sylvia showed up shortly after Liana had arrived. We talked about my the picuture I drew of my family. Who they are, how did Dad, Pam and Teri become part of my family. We talked about mom, Bev, Jack. We talked about what happened with my biological dad. We talked about Troy, Steven, and Brian. We talked about Tomas and Daniel too. It took a while to explain everything. It was another 3 hr. meeting. Sheesh. Overall though, I felt really good about the meeting.
We are scheduled to meet again next Monday at 1pm. We are suppose to talk about Nicolae and Cristian then.
Thanks again for all your prayers and I would ask for you to please continue praying as I move forward with adopting Nicolae and Cristian.
Oh and this Friday, Karen is having a birthday party for her daughter Beti. And Carmen, Nicolae's foster mom, actually agreed to come with Nicoale to the party. I am meeting them(Carmen, Nicolae and Marius) at their house, so we can all go together. Happy me.
A cute moment:
It was so cute, when I left Nicolae on Monday night he said"I know, I know, we will see you again next week". To which I responded. No, I will see you this Friday night for a birthday party! (all in Romanian of course) . The look of happy surprise on his face was priceless. He responded with, "I love you very much". (In English) So cute.
FYI...Karen is from Kentucky and is also adopting. She is going through all the same stuff I am and more. Please keep her and Beti in your prayers. It has not been easy.
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