What a blessing it was to meet Gail, Sandi... aka... "Disneyland Family's Mom" and Tricia. In the picture, from left to right, it is
Gail, me, Sandi and Tricia.
It was so great to finally have a chance to spend some time with Sandi and getting to know her a bit more. The 10 minutes of shock while chatting with her, her son Troy and Melinda at Disneyland, while still trying to figure out how they knew I wanted to adopt Nicolae, while great, didn't give us much of a chance to get to know each other.
Luckily I got to spend a couple of evenings with Gail, Sandi and Tricia during their time here.. They are all amazing people and have such a heart for Romania. They have all been here several times, but this was the first time I have actually got to meet them.
Thanks Gail for the cookie dough. I have already used both packages. In fact, I just got done baking. I am planning on serving cookies tomorrow during my first DPC meeting at my house. Hey, whatever it takes!My second batch turned out better than the first. :D Figuring out just the right setting for burning, I mean baking , is tricky.
Anyway, thanks!
Tricia...The newly cleaned clothes look great on the line...I look forward to being able to wear them someday soon. "The sun will come out tomorrow...." hopefully....:D Thanks again!
And Sandi, thank you soooo much for your wonderful gift as well. Thanks doesn't seem enough.
I will let you know how tomorrow goes with Liana, the social worker from the DPC and the interpreter. I am not sure if I have her name right. It is either Alina or Eleana.
Gail, Sandi and Tricia...Thanks again to all three of you. It was a blessing getting to know you. I look forward to the day when we(Nicolae, Cristian and I) can come visit you all in Livermore. Or...the three of you can come visit us, well since Gail is now living somewhere else!
I hope your little vacation in Amsterdam went well and that you all arrive home safely.
Please keep in touch!
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