Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I spent the afternoon with Sara and her family. We had a lot of traditional fixins. We had mashed potatoes, stuffing, salad and cranberry sauce chilled and right from the can. (yum)
We had chicken instead of turkey. Way cheaper an it tasted great. The chickens were stuffed and cooked just like a turkey would be. Karen, Sarah's mom, cooked three of them.
Oh and pumpkin pie with whipped cream... my favorite.

The photo: (l to r Back row)
Me, Karen, Sarah, Kentucky Karen, Sarah's Dad Ross

Front row: Luiza, Justin and Dan.

GOOD NEWS!!!! I get to see Cristian tomorrow! Sarah is going to go with me to translate.
Yay. I will try to take some pictures!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

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