Tomorrow is a big day. I am turning in all my paperwork for my atestat. Which means I am turning in the paperwork I need to be declared a foster mom. My prayer is that I have everything they asked for and that it is correct. I know I have done everything that was on the list they gave me, but I am finding out that they doesn't really matter. However, I am the only one that I know of, that actually got a list of what is required. So I am hopeful.
I got the list on Monday afternoon and I am thrilled that I will have everything done by tomorrow. Yesterday was my longest day. I started at 8:30 am and didn't stop until 8pm. Walking, walking, walking, metro, more walking, yipes I am lost. Still walking now, but faster. "Lord help me find the hospital". Yipes! I had to get there before 10 am. More walking. Hey thanks for giving me the wrong directions "helpful lady" ....followed by more fast walking, sweating and praying. Yay, I finally make it to the hospital. I think sweat pouring down my face with my hair plastered to my forehead screams suitable adoptive parent!Don't you? That is what a simple 15 minute walk from the metro, 40 minutes later, will do to you.
When I got there they took a chest x-ray, some blood tests and my blood pressure. The doctor seemed impressed. She told me that my blood pressure was excellent. I was thinking...I guess hiking Bucharest everyday will do that for you! Thankfully they didn't take my pulse rate.") She filled out a medical background form as well. It was all in Romanian. It was cute. She answered all the questions for me. I mean...like without my help. "Diabetic? no. Smoker?no".... every once in a while she actually stopped to ask me. It made me smile. She told me that I would have to come back again at 6:30 pm to get the results and to have my psychiatric evaluation. But not without paying first.
Afterwards, Back to walking some more, two metros and more walking to meet up with Sara at the translation office to get my Declaratie. It is a paper that states I am single and no I don't have any children. Of couse I needed to have an official translator and the document legalized.
I thanked Sara for helping me and then I was off to the Victor Gomoiu hospital to pick up a character reference from Julie, which required of course more walking, another metro and yet more walking.
Then I met up with Mr. Moncanu to get my apt contract legalized at the notary office. Yes ...you guessed it... walking, followed by the tram and shocker...a ride from Mr. Moncanu. I forked over more $$$ at the notary office and then headed back to the hospital to have my psychiatric evaluation test done and to pick up my lab results.
My psychiatric evaluation almost made me laugh outloud. No kidding. I may have spent 5 minutes with the doctor. I walked in and sat down. He said, "So you are adjusting well to Romania". He said it like a statement, but I answered yes anyway. "You want to adopt". Again, he said it like a statement. I threw in that yes I want to adopt two boys. He then asked me if I had any experience with children and I told him that I have been a teacher for 22 years. He repeated."22 years". Then...the big tricky see if someone is really psychotic part ...drum roll please....He said,"Stick out you hands in front of you like this". Which I did. Then he responded with "Perfect" Followed by "I have finished my evaluation. You can pick up your document at the counter".
Glad I didn't hold my hands out to the side or something.:) I was happy to find out that I wasn't psychotic and that my medical papers were done.
Finally, I began my hour long trek home. It reminds me of living in Modesto, where we seem to be 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. away from the city, the mountains and the ocean. I am about an hour away from everything here. I was so happy to finally get home. I was exhausted. zzzzz That was just yesterday. My whole week went like this.
I had a total of 10 things to get completed. Tomorrow I will pick up my police background check clearance and then turn everything in at the DPC in the afternoon.
Please pray that it will all go well and that I will get my court date soon and be declared Nicolae and Cristian's foster mom.
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