Hi all! Today I worked at the hospital again. There were two more little babies in the big room. I have no idea what there names are. The other girls didn't know either. It still "throws me" for lack of a better word, that these two new babies can be in the room all day and nobody knows their names. They came over the weekend.
You come in on Monday and see what babies are there. You bathe them, feed them, hold them and eventually find out their names. This is how it goes when babies get left at the hospital. Eventually their parents will come back or they will go into foster care. You never know how it will turn out. Some kids bounce in and out depending on if their families can take care of them or not. Technically, they are all there because they are sick, but this isn't always the case. Please continue praying for Ionuts. He had a hard day today. He cried a lot and he is sooooo thin.

Sara is from Michigan. She has been trying to adopt Luiza for quite some time now. Sara first met Luisa when she was about 6 months old. Luiza is now 7. Luisa does live with Sara now and God willing should be adopted soon.
Today, Luiza was admitted to Grigore Alexanderescu children's hospital. They are running tests to check up on her Hepatitis. Seems they have been giving her adult medication for a while and well they weren't supposed too. Anyway, hopefully, they will get it all straightened out. Please pray that this hasn't caused any damage and that they can find and administer the correct medications soon.
I went to visit them today after I was done working at Victor Gomoiu. Sara is already wanting to go home. She doesn't understand why they have to stay. They did blood work, x-rays etc. Seems like they are just waiting for results. Luisa however, is loving it at the hospital. They are in a room with 10 other beds. Lots of action for sure.
Please keep Sara and Luiza in your prayers.
Please continue praying that my Romanian residency approval comes
soon. It should be any day now.
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