We started out at the park. Nicolae spent some time jumping on the trampoline. Then I asked if they(Carmen, Marius and Nicolae) would like to go for a boat ride. We got to go for an hour. It was a blast. We all took turns rowing. We spent the time being silly,laughing and just having fun together.
Nicolae "fished" with a stick that had leaves at the end. He made up little stories about the big fish he was catching and made sure that I had a "fishing pole" too. They come fish already attached! Known in the Missouri parts as wood or weed bass. He was/is so adorable. He shared stories from when we were at the ocean together. He also recited the Leu(lion) recording by heart...again. Buna Nicoale, sunt Mama Debbie. Te iubuesc, I love you... Followed by the random English words he knows.(Turtle, fish, duck). He is really good at saying. "I love YOU very much" in English as well. Which of course I love. He also counted in English to ten. In Romanian he can now count to twenty, with a bit of help. I love him so much.
Anyway, it was a great evening. I got to visit with him for three hours. (6pm-9pm)
My next visit is tentatively set for a week from today. We shall see. Praise God for today and for the time I got to spend with Nicoale.
* If you click on the pictures below, they will show up larger*

Nicolae jumping on the trampoline.

Nicolae "fishing".

Nicolae row,
row, rowing
the boat.
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