Hi all,
I got a break! Just not the break I was hoping for. We all went skiing this weekend at Dodge. The whole family at the cabin before I headed back to Romania type weekend. Unfortunately on Sunday,while I was skiing, I fell and broke my collar bone and a rib. The ski patrol sent for an ambulance and got me on a IV right away.(pain medication). Then the ambulance took me to the hospital in Sonora. They gave me a brace to immobilize my shoulder. I have an appt. with my own doctor today. I want to be sure the brace is right etc.
So, yet again, my trip back to Romania has been postponed. I do plan on leaving this next Monday but, that depends on what happens at the doctors today. My sister Teri said that she will go with me to Romania and stay with me for a few weeks. She just retired from the military and luckily for me has the time to spend traveling right now. What a blessing. I need to get back and get things rolling again.
Please pray for me. The pain medication is so hard on my stomach. It makes me nauseated. Pray too that I will heal quickly. And that my adoption will move immediately once I get back.
Dad update: Dad is doing well! His last check up showed that his lungs have cleared up. Praise God. He is anemic though, which of course is a concern. Please continue praying for him.
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