Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nicolae and Cristian's First Easter Egg Hunt!

Some American families planned an Easter Egg hunt and we were fortunate enough to get invited. I believe that they have been doing this for a couple of years now. There must have been about 300-500 eggs. I don't know exactly, but there were a lot.

You can not get plastic eggs here, so they get recycled every year. I was actually able to contribute 12 eggs ...wooohooo. When the hunt is over, the eggs get separated out and given back to the people who brought them. Teri and I are planning to have the boys hunt again tomorrow.

While we were there, we met up with Eric and Heather Kooiman again and their two children Hannah and Samuel. Eric is from Modesto. His parents, Rie and Clares attend Big Valley Grace. Small world.

Nicolae and Cristian were so excited. Every picture I took of Nicolae today has this same smile. He was so genuinely happy! Cristian too. They have never hunted for eggs before. It was so adorable. Well and of course they loved the getting the candy part too.

Teri was a good Auntie and helped out when the searching became more difficult. There were about 25 kids altogether. It was a great day.
Happy Easter ....again...
Tomorrow is Easter in Romania

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