Cristian a fost foarte cuminte azi! He was very well behaved today!
It was so cute. I had called his house last night to confirm my coming and visiting today and you could hear Cristian saying in the background, "Mama Debbie mi-e fost doar de tine." (Mama Debbie I have been missing you). He said it today too when I saw him He even gave me a hug when I walked in. It was a great day.
I wasn't sure how it would go today, because on my last visit with him(last Friday), he was a not so well behaved. He got mad because I wasn't leaving the "Bunica" cards with him. Actually, he was a poop. He treated his foster mom badly. He talked back to her, he hit her, he was a real poop. I hated it. It was a yucky experience.
He knew though that I wasn't happy with his behavior at all and that I wasn't about to give into his tantrum. He was definitely doing the "hey I didn't get my way" behavior. Yuck...not a pretty site So, after Friday's visit, I wasn't sure how he would be today. To my happy surprise, he was very glad to see me. And...when I got ready to leave, he even helped me put the cards back into my backpack. Signs of progress.
I think it will just take some time to figure each other out and realize what the boundaries are. Like I told Bev, my number one goal right now isn't that he likes me. My number one goal is for Cristian to know that I expect him to behave and that he must treat people with respect. The like, love will come.
Anyway, I am very happy with how my visit went with Cristian today. And...I get to see both boys tomorrow. The DPC is having a Christmas party for all the foster children in Sector 2 and I get to go! Yay.

On my way home tonight, I stopped at Piata Unirii and took a couple of pictures of "The" Christmas tree. It is the largest decorated/man made tree in Europe. If you look at the pine trees in the foreground, it will give you some perspective on just how tall the tree really is.
5 more day until I head home to the states!
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