I worked at Victor Gomoiu Hospital again today . I thought I'd send you some pictures of the kids in the big room.
Ionut is back. They moved him to another facility called Luminita. Please pray for him. He is so thin and you can tell he isn't feeling well.

Florica is walking now. She is so adorable. She is still in the step, step, step, hurry catch me...too late...fall stage. She is becoming more independent every day though.
She will be racing around with Nicusor soon.

that she needs.
She smiles all the time these days.

Nicusor wants to play with whatever you have. He doesn't care what it is...he wants it. He is after my camera in this picture.
Is is so adorable and handsome!

Larisa is a sweet little girl. She eats, poops
and sleeps. She loves the little baby swing.
And...she has such a wonderful smile.
Please keeps these children and all the other children at Victor Gomoiu in your prayers.
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