So today(well in just under an hour) August 5th is our Adoption Day! This is the day, five years ago, when the Romanian Courts said yes to me adopting Nicolae and Cristian. What an amazing five years it has been. It is such a priveledge to be their mom. Seeing the picture of us standing on the court house steps, brings back so many wonderful memories! My sister Bev, Nannette, Julie and Karen are all there. Karen adopted Beti on the exact same day! Julie and Nann were with me thoughtout this whole adventure from the beginning. And of course Bev, my biggest support and best sister and auntie ever!
I wanted to share with all of you an email this evening from Radu, our Romanian lawyer and friend. So sweet and touching. The fact he remembered and then took time to share an email with me, speaks volumes! We love you Radu.
Hello, dear Debbie !
Here, in Bucharest, it s almost middle of the night, we are passing from 04 to 05 August, when, entire planet knows, it s: Happy Adoption Day, somewhere in Modesto, CA.
Five years since you and your family are blessed by God.
I send many hugs to Cristan and Nicolae and, for sure, for your united family.
04/05 August 2013
Happy Adoption Day!!!!!